Our Values:

All Are Welcome!

We want you to know that you are always welcome at Christian Challenge whether or not you share our beliefs or agree with our views! We are a college ministry committed to promoting and living the teachings of Jesus Christ recorded in the Bible and summed up by “Love God, Love People!” (Matthew 22:37-40)

The Challenge:

Non Christians:

  •  Ask the BIG questions in Life! Does life have purpose? what’s after death? is God real?

  • Honestly evaluate the truth claims of Jesus & the Bible!


  • Pursue your faith with passion!

  • Don’t just claim to be a follower of Jesus, live it!

  • If your faith is real, share it!

Life Has Meaning!

Most people are just living for the now, but we believe that every human being exists for a purpose. The God who created everything in existence designed human beings to know, worship, love, and enjoy Him for eternity. This is a meaning that gives every individual person inherent value that transcends accomplishments, possessions, social standing, and everything else that will cease to be at the point of physical death. Unfortunately we’ve lost that meaning, and live in a broken world separated from God by our own sinful choices. But there is a solution!

What We believe.

We base our Christian beliefs on the word of God found in the 66 divinely inspired books of the Bible. We believe that God spoke through the authors of scripture to reveal unchanging truths about His nature, our nature, eternity, and so much more. Without divinely inspired scripture we’d be left with mere conjecture and opinions about who God is. But in His graciousness God has revealed himself by inspiring the authors of the Bible to record accurate information that makes true knowledge of God available to all humanity. For a comprehensive look at our theology click the statement of faith button below.